Our Story

Travis & Katy McCabe

Owners of Greenbean Coffee House – Altoona, PA

The Real Deal

First of all, let’s get real for a moment. Although our coffee is amazing and we truly think we’ve created the perfect brew, NONE OF US are perfect. In this digital age of Instagram-perfect pics, photo filters, and carefully curated social reputations, it can be easy to lose sight of this simple fact.

Travis and Katy

A Business Philosophy Based On Integrity

As business owners, we realize that there can be a certain push to maintain an illusory and unreal image. This may be based on pursuing strength to have power over others, to cater to a certain group or type of people to the exclusion of others, to create exclusive business partnerships, or even nurture relationships we do not agree with to further our own self-interest. While the old business philosophies may be effective, they are based on inaccurate presumptions that have been proven time and again to be detrimental to both business and society. Therefore, we reject these outdated notions – and condemn them.

greenbean is born

The Light From the Fire

In reality, we all have weaknesses and vulnerabilities. There is not one of us who is better than another. Most importantly, we understand that we cannot make our own light shine brighter by blowing out someone else’s candle, but by combining our fire. That is exactly what Travis and Katy did.

The Greenbean Is Born

Established 2017

When Travis and Katy met, they fell in love. Together, they forged a strong blended family. With a home where they both felt like they belonged and the support of each other and the family they created, the McCabes decided they wanted to extend that sense of belonging to the wider community – and anyone seeking it. This is the reason they opened Greenbean Coffee House!

Our Mission

When we opened Greenbean Coffee House, three things were very clear. These have become our mission. We remain dedicated to these ideals as we continue to grow and expand:

The Greenbean is designed to be 100% inclusive to ALL in our community

From standard accessibility accommodations to building unisex bathrooms, our space was specifically designed to be welcoming. We want you to feel that you belong – because you do – no matter who you are!

Seeks to be a major arts hub for our community.

Our space was founded to support the expression of music, art, theatre, and all other forms of artistry. These have been incorporated into the Greenbean since the beginning. We proudly continue to promote creative self-expression and its shared enjoyment.

Use our platform to help various non-profit organizations

We care about improving our community so that it will be better able to serve ALL who live and work here. The Greenbean proudly gives back – while selling the best coffee and espresso-based drinks in our area!